Hi, I'm

Lewis Rafuse

Software Engineer @ PagerDuty

About Me

I'm a software engineering student at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON. I currently work at PagerDuty as a Software Engineer Intern.


Bill splitter screenshot
Uber Eats Bill Split Calculator

React app styled with Ant Design that fairly splits an Uber Eats bill based on who bought what items.

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Dividend tracker screenshot
Wealthsimple Trade Dividend Tracker

React app for automatically tracking dividend income metrics. Project still WIP.

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McMaster logo genetic algorithm result
Genetic Algorithm Visualization

C project that uses a genetic algorithm to evolve a random set of pixels into a given image.

View Visualization
Fake steel microstructure
Machine Learning Image Analysis

Python project that uses a logistic regression model to predict phase composition in steel microscopies.

View Project
Sudoku board
Backtracking Algorithm Visualization

Bootstrap/JS app that allows a user to visualize a backtracking algorithm solving a sudoku puzzle.

View App

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